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The vast potential of the world of citrus


The publication Opportunities for the use of aromatherapy in psychiatric institutions (Ahmed Ben Achour Eps Barthelemy Durand 2021)

deals with the EO likely to replace anxiolytics and hypnotics whose side effects are multiple (loss of memory, inattention, drowsiness, coordination of gestures, dependence). The sixty or so calming and/or sedative essential oils selected are organized into synergies which are tested.

I would like to draw your attention to this thesis for its series of very useful appendices (the bibliography is brief), which should be useful to all perfumers.

The subject is fashionable, including that of sleep (I was moved by the work of Z, Khalili who said that the rose was preferred by the elderly to sleep well).;year=2021;volume=8;issue=1;spage=9;epage=14;aulast=Khalili

We see the good potential of bergamot essential oil, the proximity of kaffir lime and Ceylon lemongrass.

The EO that always remains the same.

For citrus fruits, none of the EOs already tested on humans in Japan are mentioned (first and foremost kapuchi, a proven anxiolytic), and none of the EOs come from those wild Asian citrus fruits whose team from Guangxi University

(Rao, Wu et al. 2021) has demonstrated the potency of these citrus fruits compared to domesticated ones

It is a damaging cognitive bias not to know that the world of citrus is larger than the 5 or 6 endless by-products of large-scale cultivation, and that each of these ignored citrus fruits is a source of diversity of essential oils (leaves, fruits at various stages of ripening etc.).



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